Health Calculators

Professional Services


BMI Calculator

What is BMI?

BMI (Body Mass Index) is a general measurement used to determine whether a person is at an ideal weight for their height. BMI measurements are divided into ranges that specify in general terms whether a person is underweight, ideal, overweight, or obese. These ranges are as follows:

BMI 0 – 18.5 Underweight
BMI 18.6 - 24.9 Healthy Range
BMI 25.0 - 29.9 Overweight
BMI 30+ Obese

BMI is an estimation of a person’s total amount of body fat and is calculated by dividing their weight in kilograms by their height in metres squared (m2). It’s important to note that there are some limitations that can influence this including age, gender and ethnicity. This BMI calculator calculates your BMI (Body Mass Index) by entering your height and weight.

What is your current weight?

Please fill out the field above!

What is your height?

Please fill out the field above!

Your BMI is:


Note: This figure should not be taken as strict medical advice.
Please consult your doctor for more information.

Healthy Weight
Range Calculator

What is considered a 'healthy' weight range?

A healthy weight range is determined by a person’s ratio of body mass, depending on their height. Generally speaking, the lower the ratio of body fat, the more healthy a person’s weight range will be. This is a general guide, but can be used as a starting point for setting healthy weight loss goals. Underweight people are considered to have too little body fat, whereas people of an ideal weight have a healthy amount of body fat that is unlikely to cause them health issues. Overweight and obese people have an excess of body fat. The more body fat a person has, the more at risk they are for health problems such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.

What is your height?

Please fill out the field above!

Your healthy weight range is

51.9kg to 69.4kg

Note: This figure should not be taken as strict medical advice. Please consult your doctor for more information.

Calories & Kilojoules

What’s the difference between Calories and Kilojoules?

We need to eat enough food to provide energy for our bodies to function, but when we consume more energy (in kilojoules or calories) than we use, that’s when we can gain weight. Knowing the energy value of foods we consume can help us estimate how much we’re taking in. In Australia, the amount of energy in food and drink is measured in Kilojoules (kJ) which is part of the metric system. Not all countries are on this system, so it's often useful to convert back to calories (cal) and vice versa. If you have a preference for noting the energy value in kilojoules over calories, or vice versa, use this tool to translate from one to the other.
