Sick Leave Certificates
If you are feeling unwell, it is best to stay home from work. This helps to protect your co-workers from illness and gives you time to recover.
Employers may require employees to validate absences form work. Pharmcists have authority to issue certificates to eligible patients as proof of legitaimate absence from work.
Sick Leave Certificates can be provided by your pharmacist to verify:
- absences form work due to illness or injury (personal leave), or
- absences from work due to illness or injury to a member of you rimmediate family or household (carer's leave)
Our pharmacists can assess your condition, provide appropriate treatment and advice and issue you with a Sick Leave Certificate. We may refer you to a doctor or other health care provider if we think that will provide the best health outcome for you.
Walk-in appointments for private consultations for Sick Leave Certificates are conducted by experienced pharmacists wherever possible and appointments can be booked online.
Click the link below to book your appointment online today!