September 09, 2020

Women's Health Week

Tara Beecher M.Pharm (Read time 1 min 30secs)

At Good Price Pharmacy Warehouse, we’ll be there to support healthy women at any age.
Coincidentally, it’s Women’s Health Week 7th – 11th September, and R U Ok day on 10th September. This makes it a great time to check on the mental health of our mothers, daughters, sisters and friends by asking ‘R U OK?’. 

Poor mental health impacts many women. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, women are more likely than men to have reported high levels of psychological distress or mood disorders, such as depression. 

As women, we care for others so much that sometimes we forget to care for ourselves! This can be particularly apparent for women in their 30’s and 40’s.This age group, called the “sandwich generation”, are caught between the demands of careers and kids and increasingly, managing ageing parents too.  The Jean Hailes Women’s Health Survey found that a quarter of women of this age group aren’t even getting “me” time once a month! 

With all these time demands, women often suffer from the burden of the mental load.
The mental load is a term used to explain all the organisation and planning that is required daily for you and those who depend on you to effectively function. This includes cooking dinner, school pickups, shopping lists, washing and timetabling the family. For many, this may have been exacerbated during the pandemic with the added pressures of home school and working from home. The mental load can become overwhelming and have a major effect on mental wellbeing.  

Mental health is just as important as physical health and needs to be looked after. Making time for self-care is a great way to maintain your mental wellbeing. If lack of time is an issue, try making small positive changes to your day such as; listening to a new podcast on the commute, eating lunch outside and asking for help when you are feeling overwhelmed. If your mental load becomes too heavy, share it with other family members and ask for help. 

If you feel like something’s not quite the same with someone you know, trust your gut and take the time to ask ‘R U OK?’ If the answer is no, make time to listen, encourage action and check in.

If you require further information on mental health topics please visit:

Beyond Blue: 1300 224 636

Life line: 13 11 14